Your Organization’s Annual Financial Risk Amount
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Understanding Your Risk Amount.
Metrics That Matter utilizes a comprehensive database of Real-World Cyber Insurance Claims across varying industries and sizes to calculate the Inherent Risk of a specific company based on its Industry Vertical, Revenue Size, & Employee Size. MTM has over 250K+ claims within its database, and it utilizes 16 Machine Learning algorithms (R2 scores between 85-95% accuracy) to evaluate an individual company’s Inherent Risk against 5,000+ similar companies that experienced a Breach to calculate an annualized Inherent Risk value.
PLEASE NOTE: The formula for inherent risk is independent of currently in place mitigations or planned mitigations. It is based solely on the historical claims data within the database, absent any cyber controls in place. The database is updated quarterly with new claims data to capture the evolving claims / cyber event landscape
Our team will reach out to you to answer any questions you may have about your Inherent Financial Risk.
Please schedule a MTM demo below for a more detailed report.